Monday, 7 May 2012

A day in the life

Up to catch the sunrise.
sunrise Sarangan, May 20 minutes compressed to 1
sunrise, Sarangan May 2012

One lap around the lake with the monyet-monyet.
keluarga monyet, Sarangan

Makan pagi (breakfast) in our room.
service first, Hotel Sarangan, Sarangan

A little web stuff, like this blog.

Trip to Magetan to get some cash, once a week.
minibus/taxi ride to Magetan
passing through Plaosan

Makan siang (lunch) at the local "Chinese" restoran.
Pat likes the food
Kim likes the food

inside out
Daftar Makanan (menu)
ikan mas goreng (Golden Fried Fish)
Chat with the locals.
Adelia and Dea (background)
 Pak Kamidin, near his home, Sarangan

Afternoon mandi (shower).

Study Bahasa (language).

Makan malam (dinner) at the hotel restoran.
dining hall, Hotel Sarangan

Study more.

nightlife, Sarangan, actually most nights are quite dead


  1. Here we come, walking down the street
    We get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.

    Hey, hey, we're the monkees
    And people say we monkey around,
    But we're too busy singing
    To put anybody down.


    You know that we want to
    Do what we like to do,
    The only time we get restless
    Is around something new

    Hey, hey, we're the monkees
    And people say we monkey around,
    But we're too busy singing
    To put anybody down.

  2. I liked the monkeys on the road....take some close ups

